
When traveling at night or when it is dark out, you will need to have the lights on for the vehicle. It is important to make sure they operate at their peak performance. This can help to increase the safety of the vehicle. The lights should be inspected to make sure they are bright enough and aimed properly. That way the beam of light can illuminate the view in front of you. There are a few maintenance tips you can do to help make sure they are able to work, as they need to. If a headlight goes dim and needs to be replaced, it is recommended to replace the other one. This can help to ensure that both headlights illuminate the same. Besides inspecting the headlights, also make sure to check the taillights. The brake lights, four way flashers, and turn signals should also be checked. This can help to make sure they are working and effective. If you notice an issue with any of the lights on the vehicle, make sure to schedule an appointment. We can inspect the lights to ensure they are working as effectively as possible. Also remember to turn on the lights as it starts to get darker out. If you are ever in doubt about if the lights should be on, turn them on. Not only does this help you to see, but it helps others to see you as well.

The Lenses should be inspected

When checking the headlights, inspect the lenses. They should be crystal clear. If you see the lens become more yellow or foggy, it may be time to have the lens replaced. Over time, the headlight lenses will naturally become cloudy. This can diffuse the beams of the headlights. If this happens, it could affect how well the visibility is when you drive. It can also make it harder for other drivers to see you. If you are unsure about the lenses of your vehicle, bring it in and we can inspect the lights for you.

Check the Lights for how bright they are

While the headlights work, they will eventually become dim with age. When you notice the lights dimming significantly, it is time to have them replaced. If you are unsure how bright the lights are, there is an easy way to inspect them. Park on a level surface that is five feet from a building wall or the door of a garage. Then, turn on the headlights. This can tell you how bright the lights are. They should also be bright white. If they have a yellow tinge or are dim, consider replacing the bulbs as soon as you can. Having the lights working efficiently can improve your visibility when you drive.

The Lights should be aimed properly

When checking how bright the lights are, it is also a great time to check where the beams are aimed. The lights should be hitting the same height on the wall. If the lights are too high, too low, or uneven, the lights should be realigned. It may also cause a blind spot to other drivers on the road. Bring the vehicle in and we can inspect the lights for you.