Having the oil changed can help to keep your vehicle in the best condition possible. This is because the oil is needed in order to keep all parts and components properly lubricated. Oil changes when recommended can also help to extend the life of the motor of the vehicle. This is because the motor oil will lubricate the moving parts of the engine. It will then help to prevent friction to other parts and components of the vehicle. As the engine runs and operates, parts can rub together and create heat from the friction. Lubricating the parts with oil reduces contact and will lower the engine temperature. Oil can also serve as a layer to help prevent corrosion for the working parts of the vehicle.

Why the Oil needs to be changed for your Vehicle

The oil needs to be changed based on the recommended schedule. This is important because having the oil changed helps in removing impurities and contaminants from the engine parts of the vehicle. As the engine runs, various pieces collect fillings and other debris with time. The oil circulates through a motor. As it moves over each piece, it will pull dirt into the flow. After this, it will take the oil out of the engine. Over time and age, the debris will build up. This can also cause the oil to lose its thickness.

What is involved in an Oil Change?

Having an oil change done means that the oil is emptied out. This is the lubricant that has been circulating through the engine for the past few thousand miles. With age and miles, the oil will become old and dirty. Having the oil changed removes pollutants, and then new clean oil can be added. It is also recommended to have the oil filter changed when it should be. We can help to advise when this may be. Over time, the oil filter can also become worn out and start to have signs that a new clean one will be needed. Having a new oil filter can help reduce the chance of the new clean oil becoming contaminated with pollutants. By changing the oil on a regular basis, you can help to prevent an unexpected break down or other vehicle issues while on the road.

Make sure to change the Oil Regularly

Part of maintaining the vehicle the best it can, is to have an oil change done based on the recommended schedule. Make sure to bring your vehicle in, and we can change the oil for you. We can also check the oil filter to see what condition it is in. If it is old and worn out, we can replace that as well. Having the oil in the best condition possible can help increase the life of the engine and motor of the vehicle. If between visits you notice that you need to add oil frequently, there could be a leak somewhere. Make sure to bring the vehicle in and we can inspect it for you.